November 26, 2024 Newsletter
Escaped Burn Pile
The Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District supports pile burning and broadcast burning as a technique for vegetation management. However, it needs to be done safely and with consideration of smoke impacts. On November 9, we responded to a burn pile that spread to surrounding vegetation, eventually burning appoximately 10 acres. Please ensure you are burning safely by:
- Clearing all flammable material and vegetation near pile to prevent spreading
- Keeping a water supply close to the burning site
- Attending pile with an adult and a shovel until the fire is out
- Only burning when weather conditions are generally cool, moist, and not windy
No household trash or garbage may be burned. Air quality sets the burn hours and the current hours are between 10 AM and 4 PM.
For more information on pile burning visit our Pile Burning Guidelines webpage, or visit Before You Burn on the CAL FIRE website.

Geyserville Community Toy Drive
We are collecting toys for the annual community toy drive. Please drop off new, unwrapped toys at the Geyserville Fire Station. We bring all donations to the Geyserville Christian Church for distribution within our community. Gifts for older children and/or teens are especially appreciated.
Volunteer Firefighter Training
We are excited to announce that three of our new volunteers recently completed the first half of the Santa Rosa Junior College Volunteer Fire Academy. In this academy, new volunteers receive an overview of firefighting operations and procedures necessary to safely function as a volunteer firefighter. Topics include vehicle extrication, ladders, forcible entry, salvage, overhaul, and wildland firefighting tactics.

Pancake Breakfast
Despite wet weather, community members came out to enjoy a free pancake breakfast during the Fall Colors Festival. As always, our pink fire hats were a big hit. Even Chief Turbeville joined in the fun!