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Vegetation Management Projects

Current Vegetation Management Projects


Westside Community Roadside Clearance Project

Expected Completion Date: March 2029

Roadside clearance vegetation management using a shaded fuel break treatment with a demonstration site for management of forested areas, and sponsorship of the 2024 Northern Sonoma County Fire and Earthquake Safety Expo.


Northern Sonoma County Evacuation Routes

Expected Completion Date: December 2025

This is a partnership with COPE Northern Sonoma County for vegetation management along roads in West Soda Rock, South Fitch Mountain and Toyon communities.


Northeast Sonoma County Wildfire Mitigation Phase 1

Expected Completion Date: March 2025

dozer working in forest
NE SoCo Wildfire Mit

This project was part of a CAL FIRE California Climate Investments Fire Prevention Grant (2020/21/22) to create a shaded fuel break adjacent to the City of Healdsburg protecting 448 habitable structures and treating 50 acres; removal of dead and dying trees in the Northeast Geyserville area protecting 207 habitable structures and improving evacuation routes and firefighter access; creation of a 3.2 mile long fuel break to protect infrastructure on Geysers Peak and the Geysers Geothermal Area.


Walling Community Shaded Fuel Break

Expected Completion Date: December 2024

This is a partnership with COPE Northern Sonoma County funding a ridgetop shaded fuel break along existing roads between the Walling Road and Chianti Road communities.


North Lytton Springs Phase 1

Expected Completion Date: December 2024

Funding a shaded fuel break treatment along ridgetop locations in the North Lytton Springs Planning Unit.


Prescribed Fire Implementation Fund

Expected Completion Date: December 2024

Reimbursement to fire agencies for staffing prescribed burns, throughout Sonoma County, that have environmental review compliance in place.


The Geysers Planning Unit VTP-EIR

Expected Completion Date: December 2024

Funding an environmental review document to support future vegetation management including large broadcast burning in The Geysers Planning Unit and adjacent areas in Lake and Mendocino Counties.


Lake Sonoma Watershed Strategic Control Network Phase 2

Expected Completion Date: December 2024

Funding a shaded fuel break along approximately 6 miles of existing ridgetop and lateral roads to achieve approximately 15 miles of useful potential control lines in the Lake Sonoma Planning Unit.


Wildfire and Vegetation Management- Northern Sonoma County Phase 1

Expected Completion Date: April 2024

This is a 2 phase project, with the first phase being project design for vegetation management in the Cloverdale Planning Unit along roads using shaded fuel break treatment to create strategic control lines.


Gualal/Russian River Fuel Break Project

Expected Completion Date: December 2023

Fundinga shaded fuel break treatment along the Divide Shaded Fuel Break and Tombs Creek Road in the Lake Sonoma Planning Unit


Cooley Ranch VTP-EIR Project

Expected Completion Date: December 2023

Funding an environmental review document to support future vegetation management including large broadcast burning.


Northeast Geyserville Prescribed Grazing Project

Expected Completion Date: December 2023

Funding contract/target grazing in the North East Geyserville Planning Unit


Lake Sonoma Watershed Fire Prevention Project

Expected Completion Date: December 2023

May contain: grove, land, nature, outdoors, plant, tree, vegetation, woodland, wilderness, soil, path, fir, person, road, trail, tree trunk, and helmet
Lake So Watershed 

This project was part of a CAL FIRE California Climate Investments Fire Prevention Grant (2018/2019) to reduce hazardous vegetation adjacent to public roads, develop Community Wildfire Protection Plans, and fire prevention education in northeastern Sonoma County.  The project included community chipping days, defensible space inspections, workshops, development of a property owner fuel reduction document, and demonstration of defensible space residences.


South Big Ridge
South Big Ridge

South Big Ridge Shaded Fuel Break

Expected Completion Date: December 2023

This is a partnership with COPE Northern Sonoma County to fund shaded fuel break treatment along roads and a ridgetop dozer line that was created during the 2020 Walbridge Fire.


Franz Valley School Road

Expected Completion Date: November 2023

This is a partnership with COPE Northern Sonoma County to complete the environmental review and roadside vegetation management from Franz Valley Road to Sonoma/Napa county line.

cut vegetation alongside roadway
W Soda Rock

West Soda Rock

Expected Completion Date:

This project was part of  a CAL FIRE Wildfire Mitigation Grant awarded to the West Soda Rock COPE Community.    The Northern Sonoma County Fire Fuel Crew removed brush, dead wood, poison oak and small trees, leaving healthy specimens and maintaining the integrity of embankments.  


Past Vegetation Management Projects



Projects Completed During 2023


Coyote Oaks 7 & 8 Project

Completion Date: Summer 2023

Shaded fuel break treatment, including falling trees overhanging road, up to 15 feet from edge of Ridge Oaks road.


Cloverdale River Park Phase 2

Completion Date: July 2023

Funded by the City of Cloverdale.


Fox Ridge 6

Completion Date: May 2023

This project is funded by the special fire tax zone.  The Northern Sonoma County Fire Fuels Crew and  AmeriCorps team "Gold 6" teamed up for fuel reduction.


Coyote Ridge

Completion Date: May 2023

This project is funded by the special fire tax zone.  The Northern Sonoma County Fire Fuels Crew and  AmeriCorps team "Gold 6" teamed up for fuel reduction.


Healdsburg Ridge

Completion Date: May 2023

Treatment of vegetation in the open space off Parkland Farms Road.


Projects Completed During 2022


East Fox Ridge

Completion Date: December 2022

Pile burning near the intersection of Fox Ridge Road and Ridge Oaks Road.



Completion Date: August 2022

Vegetation management on west end of Vanoni Road and Colony Road.


Fitch Mountain Top

Completion Date: April 2022

Pile burning and lop/scatter at/near the top of Fitch Mountain in Healdsburg


Projects Completed During 2021


Villa Chanticleer

Completion: September 2021

Vegetation management on designated areas around the Villla Chanticleer in Healdsburg.


Franz Valley Road

Completion: September 2021

Right of way clearance (5-10 feet from edge of road) along two segments of Franz Valley Road


Geyserville Roadside Clearance Grant

Completion: August 2021

This project was part of a CAL FIRE California Climate Investments Fire Prevention Grant (2017/2018) to cut and chip vegetation along roads to reduce vegetation on approximately 303 acres near Geyserville, Alexander Valley and Dry Ceek Valley.  The work done as part of this project prevented the November 2019 Kincade Fire from advancing across Coyote Ridge Road, reducing the threat to additional structures, and supported evacuations and firefighter access during the 2020 Walbridge Fire.


Projects Completed During 2020


MAC 2020

Completion: Spring 2020

Right of way clearance (5-10 feet from edge of road) along Geyserville Avenue, River Road, Walling Road, Canyon Road, West Soda Rock Lane, Pine Flat Road, Chalk Hill Road, Lytton Springs Road.

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